Negative Primer Set 7
商家询价 Chromatrap
Enhancer buffer
商家询价 默瑞(上海)生物科技有限公司
ChIP Validated H3K27me3 Antibody with Positive and Negative Primer Sets
ChIP Validated H3K4me1 Antibody with Positive and Negative Primer Sets
商家询价 江阴齐氏生物科技有限公司
ChIP Validated H3K9me2 Antibody with Positive and Negative Primer Sets
10X Reaction Buffer
TwistDX TW01chargercar Charger Car for twista Twista充电机
Biomatik λDNA或Hind III 标识物,300-23130个碱基对,10个条带,92ng/ul,6ul/装载量 Lambda DNA/Hind III Marker Plus, 300bp